Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping, the simulation of a purchase experience by a mystery shopper, is a qualitative and quantitative research tool, immediately operational, measuring both the objectively delivered standard of quality of the service and the subjectively perceived one.
It’s a technique aimed at evaluating the correspondence between the quality standard within the surveyed location and the pre-established norms by the parent company. Each company has its own quality code useful for projecting the corporate brand equity in each location and strengthening it.
The observer, who must check the established quality standard, takes on the role of the so-called ‘mystery shopper’: a target consumer, accustomed to moving within the brand’s style, quality, and price range under analysis.
For Mystery Shopping, Sita Ricerca prefers to use any consumers, suitably trained, rather than professional surveyors.
Mystery Shopping: a qualitative and quantitative methodology that also includes the personal comments of the mystery shopper.
Precisely check the level of service quality provided by the touchpoints of a specific company
Verify if the service quality standards provided in the retail outlets are in line with the standards defined by the company